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Purple Dream

love *
Sunday, July 3, 2011 | 0 comment(s)

   Hello people :'> I'm back for a million dayy left this bloggeh. memang susah lahh ceritanya kalau nak online sekarang ni. dengan result exam yang macam ape je. duhhh -.- esok parent's datang sekolah to take that stupid report card. thank god , my mum have training at sarawak. and my dad have meeting at ____(idunknow). but my dad will take that card on sunday even his have a meeting :( . lepas ni mampos :o tak pasal pasal, handphone pun kena amik. memangg hebakk mak saya tu. hiwhiwhiw. tiada lagi teknologi maklumat :c Lol.

* act aku pon tak tahu mau post apa ,skrg nie aku mmg x de mood .nnty-2 lah aku post lagi .k baii .tc guys <3 

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